Ireland Trip

I recently returned from a mission trip to Ireland (August 2022). A number of people have asked how the trip was for me and how it went. My simple answer is; “life changing.”

It almost brings me to tears even now as I think about what the Father did in a span of less than two weeks. There is a verse in 2 Peter 3:8 that says “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. ” I have never experienced the reality of that verse like we did in those 12 days. We and our hosts both felt like we had been there for 2 months with all the Lord had done and the relational bond and connection that happened in just a few days.

Ironically, I hate to admit it, but I wasn’t overly excited about the trip. I had just returned to my role at LWC from a month long sabbatical (which was a wonderful gift/blessing from Father and our church community) and one of our spiritual mothers was likely to be in her last days on earth.

The day before we left, Jenn and I got to see her and she blessed us. I told her I “would see her soon” and went knowing she would rather us fulfill the call and her prayers than remain in TN.

The trip was incredibly significant for many reasons I won’t know until I get to heaven but to see many come to faith in Christ, miraculous physical healings, words of knowledge (many said it seemed like we were reading their private journals), so many healing tears as Father ministered to broken hearts, emotions and souls and new Kingdom connections and assignments were just a few of the reasons.

Another reason the trip was personally very significant was the riches of Christ.

The first time Evan (my pastor and life-long covenant brother for Kingdom purposes) went to Ireland in 2019, he had significant supernatural encounters with Father God and words for his future. Interestingly enough, at the same time/season he was there in 2019, I was receiving downloads from Father about the Ephesians 3:8 “riches of Christ”.

Out of what Father did and spoke to us in 2019, Evan preached the message of “encountering God” and I preached on “riches of Christ” while we were there. What tremendously blessed me and solidified some things in my heart was witnessing how the message and ministry of the “riches of Christ” that was revolutionary for me and impactful for our Kingdom family in TN deeply impacted the people we ministered to in Ireland as well. It was a gift from Father that was confirming and helpful in this season and I’m also reminded of Luke 10:20 of when Jesus said above all to rejoice that your names are written in heaven and that all of these things are to point us to Jesus the One who saves, heals and delivers!

There is much more I could say, but if you would like to see more of the details , here is a link of a daily log of occurrences, miracle testimonies, & photos of events that happened there. . . . .

Ireland Daily Log.


  1. Great article Love the PDF itinerary. Made me feel like I was there with you. Great reports of salvation, healing, vision casting and prophecies. Had no clue what “mysterion” was. Had to Google to learn “

    “term for Sacred mysteries Christianity”

    Did you create your daily log using Evernote or OneNote? Beautifully done


  2. Wow, Bob, what a great report! So glad you two made this first trip…😉😇
    Who knows what amazing things will be seen in the days ahead.


  3. 😭🥰😭🥰… Those were the two faces I was went between as I read this😯
    Soooo beautiful what the Father is doing, and yes, you are indeed revivalists and I rejoice with all of heaven for the future plans God has preordained… God Bless Ireland 🕊️🔥🤍


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