Overcoming Regret pt. 2: Celebrate What “Is” Instead of “What’s Not”

Overcoming Regret Pt. 2: We are all celebrating, making much of, something today? When I made much of what was missing, I couldn’t see all the goodness around me. To overcome regret and disappointment we will need to learn to celebrate what “is” instead of “what’s not”.

Overcoming Regret pt. 1: Good Grief 

Where do we begin the process of overcoming regret? Good grief. Healthy grief allows us to clarify our values, hold on to what is good and move toward what is best.

A Lesson From Uncle Rico (Let It Go)

I distinctly remember at least two new leaders who joined our team telling me, “Bob, I don’t care about the past, I want to see something great today.” Finding yourself stuck in the past or the future is usually a sign that you have lost hope for the here and now.