Your Choice: Connection or Control?

Fear leads us to try and control for self protection or connection but real love only exists when there is real freedom. We can have connection or control but we can’t have both.

Home of the Brave

What is the bravest thing you’ll ever do? Contrary to conventional wisdom, the strongest you will ever be as vulnerable and the home of the brave is more than just the end of our national anthem. Where will you choose to live?

3 Reasons You Need a B-Team

If I never took my car in for regular maintenance, I wouldn’t say, “no one loves my car, why is it broken, uncared for and neglected?” But, sometimes our hearts suffer from a lack of maintenance because we don’t put them in places to be cared for by Father and His family. Here are 3 reasons we all need a B-Team for our hearts.

Overcoming Regret pt. 2: Celebrate What “Is” Instead of “What’s Not”

Overcoming Regret Pt. 2: We are all celebrating, making much of, something today? When I made much of what was missing, I couldn’t see all the goodness around me. To overcome regret and disappointment we will need to learn to celebrate what “is” instead of “what’s not”.