Book Intro: Unsearchable – A Journey Into the Riches of Christ

Intro for upcoming book ‘Unsearchable: A Journey Into the Riches of Christ’.

Most people attribute their security and sense of well being to their natural state or sum of their resources, but it became apparent to me that, as believers in Christ, we are the wealthiest people on the planet completely apart from the status of our bank account.  To take it even a step further, if we attribute our state of wealth or well-being based on the abundance or lack of our material possession or our natural state, we have already missed apprehending the riches of Christ.  This upcoming book will be part instruction and part application and sometimes miraculous real life testimonies on a journey into the riches of Christ.

Your Choice: Connection or Control?

Fear leads us to try and control for self protection or connection but real love only exists when there is real freedom. We can have connection or control but we can’t have both.

Called Out and Covered

God called out, “Adam, where are you?” When we hide, we make fear the ruler in that area of our life by believing the lie we are safer in darkness than in the light. Hidden struggles are lasting struggles. Father is calling us out where covering and freedom wait in the light!