Porn and the Teenage Brain 

Parents: New studies have shown teenager’s brains are more sensitive to the addictive nature of porn. What’s the big deal? Keep reading….

Called Out and Covered

God called out, “Adam, where are you?” When we hide, we make fear the ruler in that area of our life by believing the lie we are safer in darkness than in the light. Hidden struggles are lasting struggles. Father is calling us out where covering and freedom wait in the light!

Overcoming Regret pt. 2: Celebrate What “Is” Instead of “What’s Not”

Overcoming Regret Pt. 2: We are all celebrating, making much of, something today? When I made much of what was missing, I couldn’t see all the goodness around me. To overcome regret and disappointment we will need to learn to celebrate what “is” instead of “what’s not”.